Lewis and Hitchcock, Inc. - Pipe Organ Builders Since 1915
Rebuilt Organs

Emmanuel Episcopal Church - Factory Work Begins, January 2004

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The new manual keyboards are being installed in the console shell.

The new solid-state switching system is being installed in the console shell.

The new stoptabs are ready to be installed in the nameboard, and the new Pedal contact system behind it is ready for the Pedalboard.

All the pedal keys have been removed to get their new playing surfaces and new felt bushings.

The pedal keys have been sanded clean, and the old felt bushings removed, ready for the new to be installed.

The console side panels are ready to be cleaned and polished.

New bushings and hammer rail felt on the pedal board.

New pedal naturals and sharps installed. The worn place on the edge of the pedalboard, where organists have stepped on it for years, has been repaired and refinished.

Console with new keys, stops and control panels installed.

Finished console without pedals in place, with all the accessories working.

Closer view of finished console.