Lewis and Hitchcock, Inc. - Pipe Organ Builders Since 1915
New Organs

Christ Episcopal Church

Gordonsville, VA - Opus 275, 1998

Historic Christ Church in Gordonsville, Virginia, was built in 1875. About 1930 the church was given an Estey organ, which was installed in a small chamber on the north side of the church. This organ had been rebuilt and added to over the years, but had become unreliable. It also did not have the tonal resources to support the ambitious music program.

After many discussions about what the organ should do and where it should be located, we recommended a new organ that would retain the best pipes of the present instrument, located in the former organ chamber, but with the organ brought forward, so that it could project into the nave. The organ had been built with a false facade that was within the organ chamber. We made a new facade of real pipes, keeping the same mouth line and same style of gilded mouths. But by bringing the facade forward, we were able to make the pipes form the same shape as the stained glass windows near the chamber, so that the organ now balances in style and scale.

In order to gain flexibility for accompanying, part of the Great division is enclosed with the Swell. The Principal chorus is exposed directly behind the facade, so that for congregational singing and the organ literature, it can be clearly heard within the nave. The organ had many fine ranks of pipes that were revoiced and retained. We then were able to fill out the tonal design with the sounds the organ lacked. The result is an instrument that has the utmost in flexibility. The specification provides all the right sounds in the right places, and even the organist, Tom May, says that he is constantly discovering new things the organ can do.

The organ was dedicated in a Festival Evensong Service on February 7, 1999. The organ was prepared for the addition of a Trompette en Chamade over the West door, and this will soon be installed, adding yet another dimension of sound to the organ.

Great Organ

16' RohrGedeckt

from #'s 14 & 2


8' Principal

61 pipes, 1-17 in façade


8' Rohrflute

61 pipes


8' Dulciana

61 pipes


8' Unda Maris tc

49 pipes

4' Octave

12 pipes & #1

4' Rohrflute

12 pipes & #2

2' Octave

12 pipes & #1

2' Flute

12 pipes & #2


1 1/3' Mixture II

122 pipes

2 2/3' Cornet II

from #'s 10 & 11

8' Trumpet

from #13

16' Great to Great

8' Great Unison Off

4' Great to Great

16' Swell to Great

8' Swell to Great

4' Swell to Great







8' Melodia

49 pipes, 1-12 from 3 & 14


8' Salicional

61 pipes


8' Voix Celeste tc

49 pipes

8' Unda Maris II

from #'s 3 & 4


4' Principal

61 pipes

4' Flute

12 pipes & #6


2 2/3' Nazard

61 pipes

2' Principal

12 pipes & #9

2' Flute

12 pipes & #6


1 3/5' Tierce

37 pipes

1 1/3' Larigot

from #10


16' Trombone

from #12


8' Trumpet

54 pipes


8' Oboe

54 pipes

4' Clarion

from #12


16' Swell to Swell

8' Swell Unison Off

4' Swell to Swell



8' Trompette en Chamade



32' Resultant

from #14


16' Subbass

32 pipes

16' RohrGedeckt

from #'s 14 & 2

8' Principal

from #1

8' Rohrflute

from #2

8' Dulciana

from #3

4' Principal

from #1

4' Flute

from #6

2 2/3' Mixture II

from #'s 9 & 10

16' Trombone

12 pipes & #12

8' Trumpet

from #12

4' Oboe

from #13

8' Great to Pedal

4' Great to Pedal

8' Swell to Pedal

4' Swell to Pedal





Under Swell:

General 1-4, Swell 1-4, SFZ

Under Great:

Set, Pedal 1-4, Great 1-4, GC

Toe Movements





Gt/Ped, Zimb, SFZ

Gen 1-4


Pedal 1-4

Digital Memory Level Selector 1-32

Transposer +/- 6 half steps

Indicator graphs for Swell and Crescendo

NOTE: Registers #2, 3 & 4 on the Great are located in the Swell chamber and under expression.

14 registers, 15 ranks, 859 pipes

Zimbalstern of 9 bells

Seven ranks of pipes were retained from the former instrument, rebuilt to new standards, along with the console shell.